The Choices we Make

The Choices we Make in life, determine our success in life, and reveal our character. Make intelligent choices!


Quotes of the Day

Do the right thingHere is a list of my favorite motivational quotes – at least those which I’ve found so far.

Some will resonate with you, while some won’t. When you find one that does, remember to write it down. More importantly, use its effect on you to take action – for we are The Choices we Make.

Without action, these inspirational quotes or any other tools on this site for that matter, will be absolutely useless. Action is a choice, just like sitting on the couch and doing nothing. Our choices, and actions define us in life, and manifest themselves in our character.

This list of quotes is constantly expanding so you can bookmark this page and check on it regularly for more quotes. The quotes on this page are geared towards helping you to take action and make choices.

(Please feel free to use any of these quotes in your own  work – they have been collected from many different websites and sources over many years)



“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ”
– Aristotle


My Choices

I am responsible for The Choices I Make

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
– Theodore Roosevelt


“If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience. ”
– George Bernard Shaw


“O Lord, Thou givest us everything, At the price Of an effort.”
– Leonardo da Vinci


“Endeavor to Persevere”
– Lone Watie (Movie Outlaw Josie Wales – played by Chief Dan George).


“You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life.”
– Zig Ziglar


“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
– Gandhi


“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
– E. E. Cummings


Act as you wish others too

Be an example, not just words

“Great minds have great purposes, others have wishes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.”
– Washington Irving


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